Blessed are the curious, for they shall have adventures

Adventure can be anything!


Dream it.

Many years ago, I dreamed of taking myself off on far flung adventures, I didn’t have the money nor the time like many of the TV adventures. I knew that new experiences awaited me, new challenges and stories that I would remember for the rest of my life.

Plan it.

Every adventure needs a start, mine was the Yorkshire 3 peaks, followed a year later by an attempt at the Coast to Coast and then numerous ultra races and adventure running across the UK via #projectparkrun2019

Live it.

I have lived a life of adventure and experienced many of the UK’s most amazing landscapes, met some amazing people and life long friends

My Story

In 2021, I was diagnosed with renal cancer and a brain tumor, life has been an uncertain time, as others fled the lockdown and enjoyed the outdoors, I watched from afar, wondering if I would be able to carry on with my passion for the outdoors and the adventures I had yet to take on.

Now, in 2022 I am again starting to enter to the world and reconnect with something that I thought I would loose, #projectparkrun2019 was my biggest adventure, running and camping across the UKs national parks and one that cemented drive I had inside me to attain things no one else had.