Its funny how you are fully prepared for and aware at the same time of the year ending and another starting and yet seem to be fully unprepared for the actual reality of the new year.

Well here we are, survived another year in a world which seems intent on destroying itself and caring less and less about other that are affected, 2023 for was an odd year, I was once fit and stable with plans for the year and then from the blue cancer restruck and everything was upended.

I missed out on 2 fantastic weeks in Jamaica which we had booked to celebrate the previous 2 years of crap only to be scuppered by another load of rubbish.

Still, could be worse I guess, so were am I now, well I have stage 4 cancer, my future is uncertain in that there is little in the way of the cancer ever going away and so I am now planning for other things, I’m now officially now retired from being a nurse, I am no longer registered as a nurse and now have after 3 years have now taken back my driving licence back, with the freedom of now work, plenty of time on my hands and the added benefit of being able to access my pension early I am in a very fortunate position that most could only dream of.

I was talking with my wife around buckets list and where I want to go and the truth be told I am unsure, I don’t have a bucket list which may sound strange but I’ve never felt the need to have dream places to go that will ultimately never be a reality seems kinda pointless as my life has always been about obtaining what is reality and accessible.

This year for me is about connecting, connecting with friends and family, making memories with those that have stuck by me through everything and always had my back. I have the rough outline of plans for this year, places to go and things to see, wonders to touch and new experiences.

I feel lucky, lucky to be fully aware that my time is limited and that everyday is a gift to be cherished and made the most of, we all have ideas and place we want to go and things we want to do but in reality we stop ourselves with excuses that we can’t for some reason, but how long do we keep putting things off


In search of King Arthur day 1.


Kingdoms lost